Wednesday, 21 July 2010

August Closures on Washington's Mountain Loop Highway

The American Alpine Institute just received the following email from Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest:

Everett, Wash. July 21, 2010— The Forest Service is closing Mountain Loop Highway (Forest Service road 20) to traffic through August at various locations to install culverts. Construction will close the road 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

Aug. 2-3 at milepost 39.5.
Aug. 4-5 at milepost 37.8, 42.5, and 34.7.
Aug. 9-10 at milepost 35.2-36.85.
Aug. 11-12 at milepost 38.6.
Aug. 16-17 at milepost 39.7.
Aug. 18-19 at milepost 40.4.
Aug. 23-26 at milepost 38.25 - 38.00.
Aug. 30-Sept 1 at milepost 39.00.

Call Darrington Ranger District for updates at 360-436-1155 or go to alerts and conditions on